OEM, Model Name or Serial Number not found

In the Search page, you may not see a search option for:

  – OEM/Manufacturer

  – Model Name or Model Number(not required)

  – Serial Number

for one of the reasons below.

1). The database does not have any or all of these fields populated.  This means that the unique equipment serial number you are searching for is not in our system.  Our system searches for all Recalls (Open and Terminated) and any Maintenance Events related to your unique system/unit serial number. 

   –  To solve this issue, contact your equipment service provider, distributor or 3rd party reseller and request that they enter any maintenance records they have on your equipment.  The Equiptrack Equipment Maintenance Report (EMR) report will reflect any maintenance events entered into our system after a verified Partner has updated records for your system.  New Equiptrack Partners can easily Sign Up here for access to our system.

2). You may have mistyped the serial number.  Please verify the serial number you are entering is correct.  You can find the serial number directly from the equipment label attached to your equipment.  Label locations vary  but are required to be viewable on the outside of any unit/system.   See typical equipment label is shown here; #5 is this example’s serial number.

Equipment Label Guide for Equiptrack Reports

3.  You may have entered a serial number with invalid characters.  Some characters look the same such as “I”, “O”, and “Q”.  If you believe your serial number has one or more of these characters, try using the number 1, the letter L, or the number 0 instead.

4.  Leading 0’s.  Try entering the serial number without any leading 0’s.  In some cases recall entries may or may not have leading 0’s for serial numbers.  Our policy is to remove any leading 0’s in the any unit/system serial numbers to try to avoid confusion and ensure customer find their units/systems.

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Think a report is missing data or has an error?

Tells us what you think is wrong or missing and we’ll research the issue.

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© 2023 Equiptrack

Recalls and Medical Equipment Maintenance Records for the Medical Equipment Industry including Consumers, Distributors and 3rd Party Resellers.

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Equiptrack products and services are based only on information supplied to Equiptrack. Equiptrack does not have the complete history of every unique piece of equipment. Use the Equiptrack search as one important tool, along with an equipment inspection and functional check, to make a better decision about purchasing your next piece of used medical equipment.